Scanflavour is one of the world's largest producers of high functional proteins and ingredients from raw materials, as wells as one of the most important players in the international meat processing market.

Scanflavours high functional proteins which originate from collagen are allergen and GMO free. They meet the highest microbiological and food safety standards.


Scanflavour wanted a digital tool to present and manage its sales material as well as minimize time spend on content administration.


With OmniShare our standard features centralize content management and distribution of matrials to relevant employees.


Internal workflows are streamlined and time spend on content administration is minimized. Employees are always up-to-date.

About the solution


Scanflavour has got an app solution that employees can use to present and display their products digitally.

The OmniShare app also makes it possible to manage all marketing and sales material via the userfriendley back-end. Employees always have the necessary material available even when devices are offline.

The solution includes:

iOS and Android

User differentiated access

'Big brother'-function

Content available offline

OmniShare for iOS and Android

The OmniShare app is based on our many standard features, which ensure Scanflavour's employees a user-friendly and thoroughly tested app.

The app has been designed, based on their needs and wishes, so that it meets and streamlines the employees' daily workflows.

With the OmniShare app it is possible to upload video material, images, audio and PDF files, which can be distributed based on languages and geographic markets.

The solution for Scanflavour is developed for iPad and Android tablets.

User differentiated access

As Scanflavours' OmniShare app is used across sales and marketing in different markets, a big benefit of the app is the option to set up user-differentiated access.

This makes it possible to create user-groups based on language, workareas etc. With these options, Svanflavour can limit access to certain content to specific users.

It is also possible to send user-specific push messages and obtain listings of the devices that need to update content.

'Big brother'-function

Through the 'Big brother' function, it is easy to keep track of the users' material and to keep track of which users need to update their content.

This insight combined with the ability of user-specific push messages makes it easy and fast to keep all users up to date.

As a result of this, employess always present the newest material and a uniform and professional appearance is maintained.

Content available offline

With a view to streamlining internal workflows, we have provided Scanflavour with the best salestool for employess working in the field.

Thanks to offline availability, Scanflavour's employees always have access to the newest sales and marketing material, even when their device is offline.

Based on the users access, all relevant material is automatically synced to the employess' tablet.

About the outcome


With the OmniShare app, Scanflavour can present its products and manage its material digitally.

This has a positive effect on the daily workflow, as employees can quickly locate and access relevant material. The fact that the material is available offline will provide the company with a high degree of flexibility in accessing specific material during customer visits.

In addition, the use of the solution will also affect the company's communication and appearance, which will be more uniform and professional.

To summarize, the outcome is related to:

Optimized sales process

Increased flexibility

Professional appearance

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