Rynkeby Foodservice was established in 1934 producing and dealing apple juice.
Today Rynkeby Foodservice is the biggest producer of juice in Denmark.
During the years, the company has expanded the product range and now also supply equipment and vending machines for fruit bars, coolers, table racks etc.
Rynkeby Foodservice was looking for a clever way to centralize access all documentation, sales and marketing material.
Rynkeby Foodservice now have our OmniShare app, as their primary salestool at meetings and trade fairs.
With OmniShare, Rynkeby Foodservice now have a well-tested sales- and marketing app for digital presentaions and data collection.
About the solution
With our standard OmniShare platform and forms integration, Rynkeby Foodservice now have an app for iOS, that makes the sales process more efficient.
With OmniShare sales reps can present products and collect lead and customer data directly thorugh the app - Even when the device is offline.
The solution includes:
Unique design
Differentiated content
Push messages
Content available offline
Unique design
It was very important to Rynkeby Foodservice, that the app is in line with their existing design.
The app is is part of Rynkeby Foodsevice public face, so it had to make a good impression and send the right signals to users and employees.
Therefore, it has been a major focus through the development and design process to customize the OmniShare app to follow Rynkeby Foodservice' own design completely.
Country and user differentiated access
As Rynkeby Foodservice is operating on a lot of markets around the world, the need for country specific content is solved with the OmniShare app.
Content is easyly managed through folders in the back-end and access is easily limited to
specific countries and even single users all around the world.
This means that different usergroups have their own limited access to content, meaning
that they can only access content relevant to their daily work.
Send push messages, e-mail and SMS
With OmniShare, it is possible for Rynkeby Foodservice to send push messages, e-mails and even SMS text messages to app-users.
This features works in conjunction with country and user groups and allows Rynkeby Foodservice to easily send relevant messages to users based on their acces within the app.
Users can now be notified of app updates, new materials available and much more.
Access content offline
With offline access to content within the OmniShare app, Rynkeby Foodservice' employees always have the nessecary sales and marketing material at hand.
As Rynkeby Foodservice often take part in trade fairs, they now have the option to display productinformation, video presentations, and even collect new leads via forms.
All this without having to depend on a stable connection to the internet.Everything is stored locally and leads are automatically synced, when the device is online.
About the outcome
Rynkeby Foodservice now have a professional sales and marketing tool, in line with their existing design.
Both time and money is saved, thanks to the streamlined content management through the OmniShare back-end.
Here large amounts of content is easly distributed to specific countries and usergroups.
Presentations and saleswork is also improved, thanks to the offline availablity.
To summarize, the outcome is related to:
Efficient salestool
Easy to collect leads
High accessibility
Professional product presentation