A.U Maison is a Danish interior design company, that focuses on handmade finish, colours and expression in creating unique designs, which combine quality and functionality.

The company have retailers in most of Europe and participates in several lifestyle fairs throughout Europe.


A.U Maison wanted to optimize their sales and marketing process especially for customer meetings, or at trade fairs.


With an OmniShare solution based on our variety of standard features, the employees now have a user-friendly and thoroughly tested app.


A.U Maison have got a digital tool, that streamlines large parts of their daily work processes.

About the solution


A.U Maison chose an app-solution based on the variety of standard features.
The app contains all the materials the employees need during their workday, in an easy and manageable way.

The app is integrated with the company’s existing ERP-system and barcode scanner, both of which help to ease administration.

The solution includes among other:

OmniShare for iOS

Barcode scanner for ERP

Content available offline

Online viewing of website

OmniShare for iOS 

The OmniShare app for A.U Maison is based on our many standard features, which ensure A.U Maison's employees a user-friendly and thoroughly tested app.

With the new app solution, A.U Maison now have a unique tool to optimize their internal sales and marketing tasks, thanks to centralized access and content administration.

Visually, the app is design to fit the existing design profile, to ensure a uniform and professional appearance.

The solution for AU Maison is developed for iOS.

Integration with ERP-system and barcode scanner

The OmniShare solution offers integration with the ERP-system Microsoft Dynamics C5.

This means that all data the employees enter into the app about goods, customers and orders, is transferred directly to the accounting program via a synchronization.

If the device is in offline mode when employees register information, the data is stored until the device has a network connection, after which an automatic transfer will occur.

In addition to the mentioned integration, the app is also integrated with a barcode scanner.

The employees can scan an item whose data is automatically transferred to a given order form in the app via bluetooth.

Content available offline

With thoughts on streamlining different work processes, we have ensured that employees at A.U Maison always have access to the app’s content.

No need for worries about network connection. The OmniShare app solution works anywhere at any time, because the app offers both online, and offline access to all its content.

Online viewing of website

To make the OmniShare app as complete as possible, we made it easy for the employees to access A.U Maisons own website, if they need to display any of its online content.

Employees may need to show a customer around the site to make it recognizable, when they have to navigate around any contact forms or product information.

The employees hereby have a useful tool within reach and can provide a good service to the customers.

About the outcome


A.U Maison have got an app-solution right at their fingertips, whenever they are at a costumer visit or participate in a trade fair.
This ensures a better workflow and rubs off on AU Maison's communication, appearance and supports the company's image as quality awareness.

Furthermore they have got an app which through an integration to an existing system ensures an easy and clear registration process that save the company for both time and money.
Employees no longer have to use resources to register data, as this is now done automatically.

To summarize, the outcome is related to:

Efficient data registration

Optimized workflows

Increased sales

Professional appearance

"We collaborated with MySupport on optimizing our sales activities, using an app for primarily use at our trade shows.

We are satisfied with the solution we have been given, which is easy to operate.

I can at any time recommend others to choose this solution. "

Carina Jensen Sales Manager
A.U Maison

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